California – 9LQM837

License State / Plate:

Type of Bad Driving Event:
Bad Driver

Date / Time:

Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Vehicle Make & Model:
Hyundai Elantra

Event & Driver Description (no doxing please):
I was driving in the far right lane (slow) lane and I was going 60mph which was considerably slow compared to other cars. This was because I had a bicycle on the top of my car and I was driving extra careful due to It. Within seconds, this driver who is on my right is trying to merge into the right lane (right where I am) and nearly almost hits me. I follow, and get their license plate incase they side swiped me. They end up pulling over so I pull over behind them incase we need to exchange info. The driver who was a male become extremely aggressive demanding to see evidence that they almost hit me. I did not need to show them anything. If anything, I would show my insurance adjuster the video/evidence. I felt uncomfortable, so I left. As soon as I pulled away, the male (driver) hit my aggressively. Dumb driver!!! Looking for a problem and not resolution.

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