Massachusetts – 5RDG94
Driver appeared to be a minor and was overall just driving badly. He doesn’t need a liscense if he is going to drive like that.
Driver appeared to be a minor and was overall just driving badly. He doesn’t need a liscense if he is going to drive like that.
How's my Driving? Massachusetts – 5RDG94The driver decided to pass before an exit that we both were taking and then continued to merge into my car while I had to move to the median
How's my Driving? Texas – R687474This guy is the biggest jerk i’ve seen in years. Reckless and angry probably because of his small penis.
How's my Driving? Illinois – 3285144BDriver thinks its ok to drive on the bike lane. My issue with this tool was that I was driving on my lane and ‘The Blind Side’ looking mofo decides to cut in front in me last minute, if i didn’t break this dude would have gotten hit and we all know how certain folks act, very…ignorant. I honked at him to let him know to watch out and turns around and gets angry with me lol. What a joke!
How's my Driving? California – 7KPB219Attemped Murder: Female Driver, drove on shoulder to pass motorcyclist, cut off moto, and then brake checked them. CRAZY Wreckless driving afterwards. Almost cause multiple accidents.
How's my Driving? Washington – WW09765This woman CONSTANTLY braked. It’s almost like she was trying to communicate in Morse code or something. Tailgating everyone and REFUSING to pass. Some of us want to go the speed limit and not get pulled over. Not to mention, she wouldn’t allow anyone to go past her, she cut us off then back into her lane. Someone didn’t get their morning coffee. Watch out for this lady.
How's my Driving? North Carolina – LEH7095Driving around a vehicle stopped at a STOP sign.
How's my Driving? California – 7SEF675Violent and extremely dangerous lunatic…..SPEEDING thru RED LIGHTS and STOP SIGNS in med-heavy traffic, SPEEDING about 60 to 70 mph in posted 40 zones……..going North on Alama Road from Allen, Tx to McKinney.
Passed 2 Allen cops that did NOTHING as this deranged lunatic was SPEEDING AT HIGH SPEEDS down the road!!! Our tax dollars HARD AT WASTE!!!!
How's my Driving? Texas – DK5B745Yet ANOTHER violent, psychotic, and deranged EV driver trying to RAM ME OUT OF MY LANE, then CUT ME OFF – came within a couple of INCHES of ripping off my front bumper, then DRIVING SLOW, then speeding up, then SLAMMING on thier brakes, over and over and over again!!!! Besides driving in TWO LANES of HEAVY traffic!! Never got a look at what POS was behind the wheel of this killer car.
Driving North on Alma Road from Allen to McKinney.
How's my Driving? Texas – LTZ2536Tailgating and erratic lane changing
How's my Driving? Texas – HPJ4349