New Jersey – SAANA

New Jersey driver in Orlando, Florida, he cut a driver off and then proceeded to exit his vehicle at a stop sign and confront that driver he cut off. He made threats towards him and was aggressive and eventually left after the driver told him he had a DashCam recording everything. The aggressive driver was a bald male wearing sunglasses, a black sweatshirt with a blue shirt underneath it, and grey sweatpants with a University of Kentucky logo on it. The event happened at the intersection of Conway Gardens Road and Anderson Road in Orlando, Florida.

How's my Driving? New Jersey – SAANA

Massachusetts – 4ZVT41

Guy with a beard, mustache, and medium-length hair near his shoulders. Wearing a grey shirt, grey pants, and a blue and white flannel shirt over the grey one. Driver was distracted with his phone while waiting at a light, and when the arrow turned green, he got upset after the driver behind him honked once after a few seconds of the light turning green and proceeded to brake check him after moving forward a little bit. The driver then went around him and into a parking lot, where this person followed and eventually confronted him aggressively before driving away.

How's my Driving? Massachusetts – 4ZVT41

California – 8MSZ168

Congratulations, lady driver. You did everything in your power to show you have power over someone else by driving like an a**hole. She tailgated the car on the right that I was next to, and when the two lanes merged into one while getting on the 105 freeway from the 710, she hugged the bumper of the car in front of her so tightly, I’m surprised she didn’t hit the car in front of her. When I tried to merge behind the car that was next to me (you know, 1 per customer, right?) I couldn’t because her stupid self refused. She was driving in the breakdown lane to prevent me from merging. WTF I had no choice but to merge behind her, which I’m sure was super satisfying to her. She then proceeded to repeat the same BS when I put my signal on to get over from the slow lane.

How's my Driving? California – 8MSZ168