Out of state dumb butt. Driver did not use a turn signal while turning right at the stop sign. What we have here is a failure to communicate! Scary is that this person had their children with them. Morning school rush is already bad enough.
How's my Driving? New Mexico – AWAA76Category: No Signals
Texas – VHG8350
Pickup drivers do NOT know how a turn signal works. This one did not use one while waiting to go left at the light. The driver behind me did not use a blinker either. Across the intersection was another pickup that did not have theirs going while waiting to go right at the same light. Lots of them need a refresher course of how one works!
How's my Driving? Texas – VHG8350Alabama – GRH911
The car was cutting people off (including us) without the use of signals and with limited space. This would cause for them to brake hard, which is especially dangerous on the interstate.
How's my Driving? Alabama – GRH911Texas – CM5S469
Mustang driver doing mustang things! Driver did not use a turn signal while waiting to go right at the light. Probably explains some things such as the driver’s mirror being all taped up. Say you’re stupid without saying you’re stupid!
How's my Driving? Texas – CM5S469Idaho – 1J342
Out of state idiot! Driver did not use a turn signal while waiting to turn left at the light. Is in the left lane the whole time. Then after I pass him, he decides at the last possible second to make a right turn at the next light without using their blinker. May have been possibly dropped too many times on his head as a baby!
How's my Driving? Idaho – 1J342Texas – RXY4665
It must be a Jeep thing. They do not know how to use their turn signals. Driver did not use one while waiting to turn right at the light and several other intersections prior to. This is probably one of those as a kid tried putting square pegs into round holes.
How's my Driving? Texas – RXY4665Ohio – JMX4631
Bobbing and weeving with no signals because people get in front of him. Also tailgating to get anyone in front to speed up if he can’t get over.
How's my Driving? Ohio – JMX4631United Kingdom – SJ64DZR
They turned on a busy road without indicating.
How's my Driving? United Kingdom – SJ64DZRTexas – VBN5364
Morning rush traffic. Driver did not use a turn signal while turning right at the light. Lots of people taking their kids to school and yet this dumb butt chooses to drive dangerously. Even scarier is that they had a child in the passenger seat. Parents don’t let your babies grow up to be douchebags!
How's my Driving? Texas – VBN5364Texas – TKG7388
Jeep doing Jeep things. Driver did not use a turn signal while stopped at the 4 way stop sign. More traffic is coming through the area since they are finally putting up a traffic light not too far away and construction is just getting started. Most of the Jeep drivers around here are beyond idiotic!
How's my Driving? Texas – TKG7388