California – 9DFZ851

Driver: Caucasian, middle aged, balding man wearing sunglasses.

Event: Had cruise control on in the left lane, keeping up with the flow of traffic. Audi tailgated closely and finally sped over to far right lane, sticking his middle finger at us as he went over. He continued to tailgate the next car for a few minutes, then changed lanes over to the middle lane, swerving dangerously close to the passenger side of our car. He then changed back to the left lane in front of us. Proceeded to brake check us.

How's my Texting? California – 9DFZ851

Illinois – 166206

Very aggressively passed my girlfriend and I who were already doing 80-85mph then whipped infront of us missing her front right by barely inches, slammed on his brakes and flipped us off. No other traffic around, 2 lane highway, no clue why he’s so crazy never seen em before and no reason to endanger both our lives because he’s having a bad day. He was stuck behind a truck not a minute later! Noticed me recording his plate and exited before rt 55.

How's my Texting? Illinois – 166206

Maryland – 6EX16Z4

Extremely aggressive psychopath driver weaving in and out of heavy traffic going at least 100 in a 65, speeding up and slowing down. Cut me off in the left lane and slammed his brakes from a high speed like he was trying to get me to hit him purposefully. Took a picture of his plate, this made him mad so he swerved onto the shoulder, slammed on his brakes, swerved behind me (cutting another car off in the process) and started videoing my car while tailgating me. Pulled up next to me multiple times baiting me while recording and not paying attention at all to the road. Pointed out my dash cam and he sped off at least 110mph again. Reported to the police and hope they get him!

Crazy how he recorded me and baited like he was somehow the victim in the situation. Hope he gets his license taken away at some point – karma will come quick driving the way he’s driving.

How's my Texting? Maryland – 6EX16Z4

Kansas – BOLOGNA

With a vanity plate as conspicuous as BOLOGNA you’d think the driver might be a little more careful about road rudeness! Approaching downtown Topeka on eastbound I-70 in an 18-wheeler, when I saw the yellow “exit only” at the bottom of the sign for the next exit I needed to take the left lane, so I did a standard lane change after checking my mirror to make sure it was clear (a car had been approaching me for the past minute or so but it was still far enough away that I wouldn’t be cutting it off). Out of courtesy, just to make sure I wouldn’t slow it down, I immediately raised my speed from 66-68 to 72. All of a sudden I noticed a car zooming up beside me in the right lane doing what must have been at least 80. It was clearly intent on getting in front of me, but since I was about to pass a slower vehicle in the right lane, it had very little room to slip between us. I will sometimes brake in that situation to let the impatient vehicle thread the needle but this time I just maintained my speed without braking or accelerating. The speeding car barely made it into the left lane before it was too late, then a few seconds later the driver flipped me off. I’m guessing he was accelerating hard to get in front of me before I took the lane, but was too far away to prevent it. Next, as soon as we cleared the exit and wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, this oh-so-clever driver decelerated to 40 MPH in a 60 MPH zone to slow down not just me, but a very long line of cars behind me as well. He maintained 40 MPH until taking the next exit about a mile up the road. Everyone who sees this car should flip the guy the bird!

How's my Texting? Kansas – BOLOGNA