Hawaii – WZD338

The driver hogged the right turn only lane at the Hiapo Street + Paiwa Street intersection to continue straight ahead despite having a lane for going straight. Since the light was red, motorists had to wait 10 minutes for the traffic light to finally turn green for this driver to get out of the way. The driver is a female Caucasian in her 40s.

How's my Driving? Hawaii – WZD338

Hawaii – EV154S

The driver hogged the right turn lane at the Paiwa Street + Lumiaina Street southbound intersection to continue straight ahead, despite having a lane for going straight.  As a result, motorists and cyclists behind this driver had to wait 10 minutes for the traffic light to finally turn green so this inconsiderate driver can get out of the way and motorists would be able to make their right turns from Paiwa Street to Lumiaina Street.

How's my Driving? Hawaii – EV154S

Florida – IRSH30

After getting off highway onto a 3 lane road and signalling to go into the furthest lane to make a turn at the next light, the driver almost hit me trying to get into the lane so I honked. Now with the driver in front of me, he slammed his brakes, got out of the car, came up to my window yelling in the middle of the road. He proceeded to yell and spit on my car, when I took out my phone he thankfully went back to his car but then did not move staying in the road with cars building up behind us with a green light. After he continued to not move and other drivers going around, I tried to go around as well and he slammed the gas and tried to cut me off again. The man was wreckless and had a major road rage over a honk of the horn. Use caution if you come anywhere close to this driver, he is unhinged and unpredictable.

How's my Driving? Florida – IRSH30