License State / Plate:
Hawaii – TGS323
Type of Bad Driving Event:
Bad Driver
Date / Time:
12/11/2024 12:00 PM
94-1003 Hiapo St, Waipahu, HI 96797, USA
Vehicle Make & Model:
Nissan – Pathfinder
Event & Driver Description (no doxing please):
The driver of the Nissan Pathfinder was in front of the line on the left lane, however, the driver changed over to the right lane right at the intersection and as the light turned red. Since this person is continuing straight ahead instead of making a right turn, motorists had to wait five minutes for this unfair person to get out of the way to make a right turn from Paiwa Street to Hiapo Street. Unfair and Inconsiderate! The driver is Mandy Zhu.