License State / Plate: Plate number I could pick up was XMA ….ZLA
Type of Bad Driving Event: Reckless
Date / Time: 05/05/2023 8:00 AM
Location: 32 W ramp
Vehicle Make & Model: Mercedes cargo van – Trinity Solar MD
Event & Driver Description (no doxing please): 5/5/23 8.10am . I was driving to drop my kids in school. I merged left unto the ramp to get on 32W, a Trinity Solar company vehicle merged right to the right ramp and suddenly swerved unto the left ramp and was about to hit my car on the right side where my daugther was sitted, I had to get off the ramp to avoid being hit but could have also been hit by vehicles driving on 32W. This was a reckless driver driving a company car and didnt give a care for other drivers on the road.