Driving around a vehicle stopped at a STOP sign.
How's my Driving? California – 7SEF675Tag: reckless
Michigan – 54ABT7
One of their workers/owners/the kid or family of the owner almost hit me with their car today, in a hurry to get what I’m assuming was some kind of pick up via their back door (I followed them to get a pic of their license plate to report them, and they stopped at Subway’s backdoor and brought out some kind of box); they illegally passed me on the left when I was turning left out of the parking lot across the street at Marshalls onto the street that crosses Michigan avenue, and almost hit me doing so all while speeding. They blocked the ally with their car, door wide open and unattended. Then they had the nerve to wave at me all cutely like they’d done nothing wrong. See the attached for them and their license plate.
How's my Driving? Michigan – 54ABT7Virginia – TYR3281
I was trying to get through a crossroads and this person was trying to get left around a police car. He bullied his way in and then started waving his hands and screaming at me. He then slowed way down so that I would catch up with him which was intimidating especially to a woman. He clearly has a really bad case of Road rage.
How's my Driving? Virginia – TYR3281California – 8NUM096
Driver passed another car stopped at the STOP sign without stopping and nearly crashed into the car turning left
How's my Driving? California – 8NUM096New Jersey – W49RSP
Driver was tailgating and flashing high beams repeatedly. After 1 left hand turn onto S Wrangleboro Rd they continued to do so. Then the person overtook illegally and brake checked to a complete stop in the middle of the road. They then sped off when another car approached from behind me.
How's my Driving? New Jersey – W49RSPNew York – LNG5354
Car swerved into the bike lane. Brakes screeched and speeding away.
How's my Driving? New York – LNG5354Nevada – 904ZRC
Driver made an illegal left turn into traffic from the middle (no left turn) lane during a red light. He continued to speed down Jones Dr. and swerve around traffic without signaling. He continued to do this until I lost sight. I managed to catch up to him and snap a picture while he was stuck in traffic, at least before he continued to swerve and endanger others. I’m not 100% on the model of the car.
How's my Driving? Nevada – 904ZRCNew Hampshire – 103698
I was making a left turn onto Rte 16, which is a dangerous turn, and this guy didn’t want me to turn in front of him so he quickly accelerated then passed me on the right shoulder while flipping me off.
How's my Driving? New Hampshire – 103698Michigan – OPDZ51
This driver is so bad, so reckless they shot around a large truck in the turn lane illegally then almost smashed into my car. Reckless and detached from all morals. It was irresponsible and immature to drive as they did with little to no regard for others safety.
How's my Driving? Michigan – OPDZ51New Jersey – N17HKY
Bad driver in red subaru. Almost side swiped me twice on the FDR onramp from the GWB. She signaled and moved to the left lane well before the left merge. When she got close to the left merge (onramp on left has a stop sign) she decided to switch back to the right lane, where I was, without even signaling or looking to see if anyone was there. I hit my brakes and honked and she moved back to the left lane, only to try it again a second later without signaling or looking again and I had to slam on my brakes again to avoid a collision because this time she didn’t swerve back into her own lane, she kept coming.
How's my Driving? New Jersey – N17HKY