License State / Plate:
California – 5TCJ870
Type of Bad Driving Event:
Date / Time:
05/08/2024 8:00 AM
San Diego, CA, USA
Vehicle Make & Model:
Honda Civic
Event & Driver Description (no doxing please):
This driver sped up next to me in the fast lane of the highway and slowed down within a cars length of the vehicle in front of her. Then she swerved into my lane without using a blinker while I was still adjacent to her, so I slammed on my brakes, causing her to miss me by about a foot (while going ~50 mph). She continued to weave in and out of the fast lane without a blinker. I eventually wound up next to her, turns out she was talking on the phone – distracted, aggressive, and dumb driving. Turns out we took the same exit and I saw her continue to cut people off with no blinker.