License State / Plate: California – 8LTG939
Type of Bad Driving Event: Aggressive
Date / Time: 07/11/2023 12:00 PM
Location: Gopher Canyon Rd, Vista, CA 92084, USA
Vehicle Make & Model: Honda hyundai
Event & Driver Description (no doxing please): These maniacs willfully don’t care. Had both my animals and children with me. Many drivers like this one wake up like Hogan’s son. An unlikely safer society deserves better. Start driving right. For some reason a lot of the pictures weren’t that clear but he was driving like such a maniac and we had to be concerned for our own safety to get too close to take a picture But that was the plate number up. But he was right in front of us so what can we do lol last clear shot we had was right behind him was with the at the 15 we need decided to go underneath the freeway instead and not make that right turn. The Universal Camera has it LOL be careful of this guy, he was right on our tail right after we had gotten on the canyon thinking that it was a simple shortcut and he would not let up and had there been another car in the opposite lane it would have been really nasty. These are some beautiful mountain areas but the drivers will harm you, bet on what’s nothing to play with. Temec^ulo drivers worse