Idiot driving around aimlessly – double parking overnight
How's my Driving? Maryland – 9CV5579Category: Distracted
Massachusetts – 3HK836
Swerving into opposite lanes and nearly going off of the road
How's my Driving? Massachusetts – 3HK836New York – KAW9515
Driver was distracted and changed lanes without signal or looking.
How's my Driving? New York – KAW9515Vermont – GXF296
Woman driver, holding and using phone with one hand on the wheel. Crossed line twice, good nothing coming in the other direction. Then later turned unsafely at Red light without stopping first. Very unsafe woman driver
How's my Driving? Vermont – GXF296Texas – LUHKIA
Waiting at intersection in parking area at McDonald’s at Teel & Main. Kid nearly runs into the front of my vehicle while making a left. Had to hit the horn to get him to pay attention, then goes by with less than six inches to spare. When I got his attention to signal how close he came, he mocked me. He had at least four other guys in the car with him.
How's my Driving? Texas – LUHKIACalifornia – 7NUF709
Was distracted on phone and slowed down by a significant and was swerving
How's my Driving? California – 7NUF709California – 7NNT308
Elderly woman picking her nose and turning into a traffic circle without looking or stopping (she had a stop sign) when I was riding my bike and already in the circle. Nearly clipped me and then honked aggressively at me and sped off.
Had a bumper sticker saying “Music is Community”
How's my Driving? California – 7NNT308Michigan – ERP8763
She was looking down at her phone 95% of the time. She didn’t notice when the people in front of her were 20 car lengths ahead, when the light turned green, or when she was swerving into another lane. Had to beep many times to get her to even look up.
How's my Driving? Michigan – ERP8763Illinois – 2935413B
Texting while driving causing him to weave all over road almost hitting several cars and causing others to swerve into another lane to get out of his way. He did this for several miles while I had the misfortune to be behind him. Followed him
from Birmingham Michigan into Sterling Heights when he finally stopped texting. Got a picture of his license plate at a traffic light but was unable to get video as I don’t have a dash cam.
Kansas – 604MMM
Mrs. Blonde pulled out of the scooter’s parking lot taking up both lanes to turn, taking her sweet as time to move in a straight and single lane with coffee in her hand and a muffin in the other. Cars having to break Like move out of the way and put the food down!
How's my Driving? Kansas – 604MMM