Couldn’t see the driver but was on 275, 2 lanes, and he started driving close to another car and almost hit them and us, then started swerving in and out of traffic
How's my Driving? Michigan – DVV9114Tag: f150
Texas – NCG3776
Driver was mad that i got over in front of him and started tailgating me way too close. I stepped on my break and then he tried to run me off the road or side swipe me. I was lucky I had room to move over to the right.
I do have a video as well
Rhode Island – RS37AY
This driver aggressively tailgated and drove recklessly while trying to pass me on a one-lane 20mph road. They intentionally revved and got as close to the back of my car as possible, almost making me run off the road.
How's my Driving? Rhode Island – RS37AYTexas – SDK0043
Honestly couldn’t tell if a man or a woman. They got mad at me for trying to get around a slow driver and proceeded tailgate the shit out of me, then when I slowed down to let them pass me they pulled in front of my car and SLAMMED on the brakes as hard as the could trying to get me to crash into them. They did this 3 more times and then when I tried to leave the lane they switched to it to block me each time and then drove below the speed limit to try and waste the time of me and the people behind me.
Very aggressive and angry person who should not be allowed to drive
Virginia – UED4870
Tailgating so close I couldn’t even see the front of the vehicle. Sped around and cut me off. I had my 8 year old child in the car. Driver proceeded to do the same to several other vehicles.
How's my Driving? Virginia – UED4870Texas – SKL0348
Two idiots in one picture. Both driving Ford F-150’s what a surprise. Idiot #2 is in two lanes sitting like a bump on a log. Driver couldn’t decide what to do. Pick a lane as you are holding up traffic for those who are wanting to go right. After burning off a few million brain cells, they decided to go right and did not use their signal while doing so. People like this should not be out on the road! The big vehicle is to compensate for the lack of brains!
How's my Driving? Texas – SKL0348Texas – RXB4494
Two idiots in one picture. Both driving Ford F-150’s what a surprise. Idiot #1 not paying attention nearly hitting me when they decided to switch lanes at the last second without using their turn signal to indicate doing so. You had plenty of time to do so and yet wait until I’m about to pass you. Big vehicle – small brain!
How's my Driving? Texas – RXB4494South Carolina – DYF392
Speeding, switching lanes erratically. Loud exhaust. Hear him coming. Had to mute audio because of my profanity.
How's my Driving? South Carolina – DYF392Oklahoma – NNC797
People who park like this deserve to have their vehicle crushed into a cube while they look on. Driver knowingly and intentionally did this because they are a douche and have a small package. It may be the first day of the fall season but idiot season is all year round!
How's my Driving? Oklahoma – NNC797California – 8W24418
Make illegal left turn out of RiteAid parking lot, south on Palo Verde. Takes issue that I did not brake too quick upon his illegal move and took issue that I got close to his truck. Points out he have a front dashcam – had to call out to him that so do I and I got him pulling the illegal turn, and proceeds to yell and give me the finger for his piss poor driving habits. Clueless!
How's my Driving? California – 8W24418