California – 9MPR124

Guy comes out of the 7-11 parking lot directly in front of traffic, glides over two lanes of moving traffic to get into left turn lane. Doesn’t like getting the horn from me, gives the finger. I gave it right back to him. He decides to not make his left but chase me down a 1/2 mile down street. I notice him stopping behind me, he’s attempting to jump out of his SUV – so to escape this creep I pull a U turn and punch it. This guy pulls a U turn and proceeds to chase me down (I took it up to 70 MPH – so he went even faster). I turn and get the OC Sheriff on phone. He gets beside me and starts yelling. Notices I am indeed on the phone with OCSD explaining some maniac is CHASING ME DOWN. Tries to back pedal that he only wanted to tell me I was a bad driver and he ONLY wanted to talk to me about how to drive safer. RIGHT PAL! Sure – that the right way to do it. Not sure if had might taken it further if I was not on call with sheriffs department.

How's my Driving? California – 9MPR124

Texas – RSK6222

Another KAREN that thinks the RULES/LAWS don’t F-ing pertain to HER! Another violent illegal on the roads attempting to kill, maim, and destroy!!

Takes up TWO PARKING SPACES when she’s ONLY ALLOWED ONE SPACE, and it says so in her RENT CONTRACT!!


NO goddamned consideration for ANYBODY else!!!


How's my Driving? Texas – RSK6222

Virginia – ULD2425

Black middle aged female, cheetah print steering wheel cover. I was in the left lane she cut me off to go around another vehicle I blew my horn to let her know I was there so she wouldn’t clip my front end and which time she flipped me off, then proceeded to tailgate the driver in front of her while periodically slowing down enough hitting her brakes for me to have to apply brakes. Thankfully I wasn’t close enough to have to slam on them. After the weigh station at the Wilroy Rd. Left turn traffic was backed up into the left lane she slowed down really fast to where she was directly in front of me there was a tractor and trailer behind me and 2 pickup trucks to my right so I tried to ease off her slowly as not to affect anyone else’s driving and all of a sudden she cut off the first pickup truck to our right and there were stopped cars in my lane I had to jerk the wheel to the right and slam on my brakes thank God the trucks to my right were already swerved onto the shoulder to avoid her erratic lane change or they would have hit me and my children. After regaining the flow of traffic I ended up beside her again at which point she laughed pointed and flipped her middle finger to me again before speeding away and ducking in and out of traffic like I was going to try to follow her. I tried to get my phone to call the police but my children were crying and I was visibly still shaking so I waited until I got home to completely focus on the rest of our trip. The picture I took is of her speeding away after laughing at the end.

How's my Driving? Virginia – ULD2425