Driver broke speed limit on local road, constantly switched lanes in heavy traffic almost hitting other cars, and turned illegally / drove forward on the lane toward incoming traffic.
How's my Driving? New York – PIRAEUSAuthor: Ctizen Journalist
Oklahoma – NHB293
Attempted to clip the front of our vehicle with an aggressive lane change. There were no other vehicles within a quarter of a mile of us.
How's my Driving? Oklahoma – NHB293Arizona – G1A5JF
Car is white suv with Hawaiian flowers on the back. Driver tailgated on the 101 North heading towards Baseline Rd and then swerved into the next lane and then back in the original lane nearly cutting me off.
How's my Driving? Arizona – G1A5JFFlorida – 98AZCL
Absolutely ridiculous I don’t know where people get their license but no signal or nothing I’m the middle of the turn lane in an intersection just cut us off completely almost hitting me and the car In front of us.
How's my Driving? Florida – 98AZCLCalifornia – 9GEK116
Male driver in black CR-V fails to stop at stoplight
How's my Driving? California – 9GEK116Massachusetts – 5RDG94
Driver appeared to be a minor and was overall just driving badly. He doesn’t need a liscense if he is going to drive like that.
How's my Driving? Massachusetts – 5RDG94Texas – R687474
The driver decided to pass before an exit that we both were taking and then continued to merge into my car while I had to move to the median
How's my Driving? Texas – R687474Illinois – 3285144B
This guy is the biggest jerk i’ve seen in years. Reckless and angry probably because of his small penis.
How's my Driving? Illinois – 3285144BCalifornia – 7KPB219
Driver thinks its ok to drive on the bike lane. My issue with this tool was that I was driving on my lane and ‘The Blind Side’ looking mofo decides to cut in front in me last minute, if i didn’t break this dude would have gotten hit and we all know how certain folks act, very…ignorant. I honked at him to let him know to watch out and turns around and gets angry with me lol. What a joke!
How's my Driving? California – 7KPB219Washington – WW09765
Attemped Murder: Female Driver, drove on shoulder to pass motorcyclist, cut off moto, and then brake checked them. CRAZY Wreckless driving afterwards. Almost cause multiple accidents.
How's my Driving? Washington – WW09765