We were turning to go on the highway and he started speeding to go first so we slammed on brakes then he did then slowly started going forward waving for us to go so we tried going but he immediately tried to run into us so we backed up and he got in the turning lane and went on the interstate with us I lost him after getting on the interstate
How's my Driving? Florida – HHAR98Tag: cut off
Illinois – EP52669
Dark blue Chevy Malibu kept tailgating and cutting people off. After she cut me off she saw that I was behind her and just kept stopping in the middle of the street, not letting anyone get around her. Her car is so scratched and dented up that I take it she does this a lot.
How's my Driving? Illinois – EP52669Alabama – SMCVEY
Driver came into my lane causing me to almost wreck, then I watched the driver do the exact same thing to another person in front of us.
How's my Driving? Alabama – SMCVEYIndiana – 976TRW
stupid women. drives under the speed limit on East 116th street in Fishers, Indiana.
I go for the pass then she speeds up, blocks me, brake checks and slows down pinning me behind her ugly ass 2018 Volkswagen Beetle 2.0T in red.
2018 VW Beetle Turbo Red
Indiana License plate – 976TRW
2018 Volkswagen VW Beetle 2.0T Coast / 2.0T S / 2.0T S with Style and Comfort
Style / Body: Coupe 2DEngine: 2.0L I4 DI
Country of Assembly: Mexico
How's my Driving? Indiana – 976TRWPennsylvania – ZTX7127
Reckless driving for no reason other than to be spiteful. Driver acted as if they were going to turn at a red light, but then decided to gun it and go straight, but there is a lane merge immediately after the light. Driver cut me off in the left lane and caused me to cross the double yellow while hitting the brakes to avoid them. They then proceeded to go slow and continually throw up middle fingers (to which I obliged and returned). What was the point of all that? Just to be reckless, I guess, and take it out on others for their poor decisions about turning/merging.
How's my Driving? Pennsylvania – ZTX7127New York – JPS5365
Driver of the white Jeep Grand Cherokee cut into the other turn lane, almost causing a collision.
How's my Driving? New York – JPS5365North Carolina – WYR5463
Driver cuts me off on the interstate and proceeded to go under the speed limit. Driver is a middle-aged white male, with glasses and bald head.
How's my Driving? North Carolina – WYR5463North Carolina – jdf9008
driver is a white middle aged man who tailgated for about 5 mins while i was going 70 in a 65. continued tailgating even though there was plenty of room to pass. he then decided to get as close as possible on my left side as i tried to exit right, and (with no signal ofc) cut between me and the cement truck in front of us. i laid in the horn while he flipped my off. (for not going fast enough? not sure) he proceeded to try to get in front of me and break check me multiple times. at ome piont i had to go 95 to put some distance between us. i was in the wendover exit lane and at this point it was obvious he was just trying to make me as mad as he was so he did the same exact thing again. waited until i was about 10ft away from the car in infront of me in the exit then cut between us. i honked again bc i was mad. i started recording him in front of me and he took a u turn on wendover so i guess that’s what deterred him. weirdo.
How's my Driving? North Carolina – jdf9008South Carolina – PDJ434
I have my signal on. I was getting ready to get over. Another car was passing. He is behind me. He decides to speed up as I’m trying to get over and then passes me and then gets back over to where he originally was.
How's my Driving? South Carolina – PDJ434Connecticut – 3RZP88
Line to take a right. Driver drove up lane to go continue straight on rt 10 then cut off line in right hand turn lane to rt 185.
How's my Driving? Connecticut – 3RZP88