Driver: Driver was a tall, caucasian, individual with long blonde hair. Gender unclear, likely male. Age: 20-30.
Event: 9/5/24, 9:15am. When merging onto the I-10 Freeway West at the Venice Blvd. onramp, the car in the lane next to me refused to allow me to merge, dangerously swerving into my lane to block my path, forcing me to swerve to the shoulder of the onramp to avoid being hit. The driver then stopped their car, got out (blocking the full onramp), screamed obscenities at me, got back in their car, and sped off. When on the freeway, the driver swerved into the lane next to mine and then attempted to run me off the road by swerving back into my lane directly at my car. I was forced to swerve once again onto the shoulder of the freeway to avoid being struck. On the shoulder, I called 911 and filed a report with Highway Patrol. While stopped, I witnessed them attempting to strike two other cars while they were still in my line of sight. This violence was incredibly scary, as I am a small young female traveling alone, and I am scared that this driver will hurt others if they have not already done so.
How's my Driving? California – 8ZIV810