Washington – CGL7042

Driver was doing 25 in a 35 on Bellevue Way. Deeply on his phone, several cars passed. The Driver then accelerated aggressively through traffic. Then proceeded to slow down and start a confrontation with other drivers. Followed to Starbucks to get his picture. Medium complexion 30YO Male with beard and mustache. Very Aggressive. Be careful.

How's my Driving? Washington – CGL7042

Florida – 9061VL

The driver had been (given a heads up) flashed at by multiple people in the 5 or so miles that I was behind them to turn their lights on. This driver had no functional rear view mirror, no lights were turned on, they had a young child (6 or 7 years of age) in the back seat of their vehicle not restrained by a child seat it was also leaning forward in between the front seats. This driver was also on their phone scrolling through Facebook Messenger it appeared but none the less was not focused on driving. Just a heads up due to night sight on Google pixels the picture seems much brighter then it actually is.

How's my Driving? Florida – 9061VL