Georgia – TEL3474

2 Events

First acted super petty trying to pass me on a left turn, instead of turning into their correct lane.
So when they couldn’t pass and had to turn left (mind you there was plenty of space behind me) they decideed to ram into my left side and block me in. At first, when I saw their headlight popping into the tinest spot there was between me and the white van I honked. But they continued to literally try to run me over/merge into the left side of my car. I continued honking, and they eventually ended up in front of me because the van moved and I didn’t want my car to hit theirs (they were not worthy). And of course the whole time never signaled, only once they passed me. Acted it out almost like a scammer and glad I did not engage!

I didn’t get to take a picture of the plates that time. But I knew it was a black Chevy Equinox and had ‘”T”& “4” in the plates.

Second incident, literally exact same intersection but in reverse, they insert themselves into the double turning left lane, coming all the way from a right lane with incoming traffic. They make everyone slam on their brakes. But it’s the way they stopped right in front of me and then took the far left lane of the double turn because the line was shorter. That’s when I recognized them! Driving so erratic, recognizable from miles away. Karma will take care of them though!

How's my Driving? Georgia – TEL3474

Georgia – CKG6069

Crazy Lady came to a complete stop on a road that had a hole. I get that you need to slow down but it’s a busy road do not come to a complete stop. I honked at her. She then tries to retaliate by brake checking and driving slowly while no one is in front of her.
So when comes my opportunity to pass her I do and then I get right back in front of her because the entrance to my work place is right there. She follows me into my workplace (she works there too) into my parking garage and parks right next to me (this is the Parking Garage, badge access required). As I exit my vehicle, she starts asking me to give her my ID. I politely said no, then she goes “You enter through the foreigner’s space, you are a visitor” I said I am neither. She started being racist. I am a US citizen. She proceeds to threaten me and said she will take a picture of my plates, and report me, she has a dashcam. I said fine, but I will report you and take your license plate. You cannot go harassing people around because I honked and passed you gently. I took her license plates and as I took pictures, she tried to back into me (physically, as in she wants to run me over while I stood her) because now that she has a picture she wants to go. She literally wanted to run me over. She fled the scene.

How's my Driving? Georgia – CKG6069

Georgia – CKG6069

Lady came to a complete stop on a road that had a hole. I get that you need to slow down but it’s a busy road do not come to a complete stop. I honked at her. She then tries to retaliate by brake checking and driving slowly while no one is in front of her.
So when comes my opportunity to pass her I do and then I get right back in front of her because the entrance to my work place is right there. She follows me into my work place (she works tehre too) into my parking garage and parks right next to me (this is the CDC Parking Graarge, badge access required). As I exit my vehicle she start asking me to giv her my ID. I politely said no, then she goes “You enter through the foreigners space, you are a visitor” I said I am neither. She started being racist. I am a US citizen. She proceed to threaten me and said she will take a picture of my plates , and report me, she has a dashcam. I sad I fine but I will report you and take your license plate. You cannot go harrassing people around because I honked and passed you gently. I took her license plates and as I took pictures, she tried to back into me (physically, asd in she wants to run me over while I stood her) because now that she has a picture she wants to go. I remind her I am standing right behind her and (she has her window down) I said “We could have settled this like grown ups, but you refused”. She fled the scene, but I got a good picture of her plates, her face and I made a statement to the CDC Police and another officer for off-campus issues.

How's my Driving? Georgia – CKG6069

Georgia – CWY3038

I was in the line waiting and this Tesla Model 3 just cut off my line without stopping at the STOP sign and showed me the middle finger when I honked the horn. First of all, he didn’t stop at the STOP sign; second, he was supposed to wait for me to go through the line. Third, if he really needs to cut off, he can use a polite gesture and I will let him pass.

How's my Driving? Georgia – CWY3038