A light skin black woman driver(I believe her last name is Jackson) was tailgating me, even though I was already doing 70 in a 60. Driver decided to speed up and cut in front of me and hit her brakes to try to “teach me a lesson” and then drove off feeling satisfied with herself.
How's my Driving? Virginia – UML7653Tag: Road Rage
Virginia – TYR3281
I was trying to get through a crossroads and this person was trying to get left around a police car. He bullied his way in and then started waving his hands and screaming at me. He then slowed way down so that I would catch up with him which was intimidating especially to a woman. He clearly has a really bad case of Road rage.
How's my Driving? Virginia – TYR3281California – 62607W3
To Latino man, bald driving under the influence, weaving through lanes, being aggressive towards drivers and throwing beer, cans out the window. They were harassing drivers As they spread through the freeway and exited on Alvarado Niles Rd. They were blocking cars trying to merge into the exit and almost ran off a Honda behind me while they tried to merge into the exit lane.
How's my Driving? California – 62607W3California – 8ZIV810
Driver: Driver was a tall, caucasian, individual with long blonde hair. Gender unclear, likely male. Age: 20-30.
Event: 9/5/24, 9:15am. When merging onto the I-10 Freeway West at the Venice Blvd. onramp, the car in the lane next to me refused to allow me to merge, dangerously swerving into my lane to block my path, forcing me to swerve to the shoulder of the onramp to avoid being hit. The driver then stopped their car, got out (blocking the full onramp), screamed obscenities at me, got back in their car, and sped off. When on the freeway, the driver swerved into the lane next to mine and then attempted to run me off the road by swerving back into my lane directly at my car. I was forced to swerve once again onto the shoulder of the freeway to avoid being struck. On the shoulder, I called 911 and filed a report with Highway Patrol. While stopped, I witnessed them attempting to strike two other cars while they were still in my line of sight. This violence was incredibly scary, as I am a small young female traveling alone, and I am scared that this driver will hurt others if they have not already done so.
How's my Driving? California – 8ZIV810New Hampshire – 103698
I was making a left turn onto Rte 16, which is a dangerous turn, and this guy didn’t want me to turn in front of him so he quickly accelerated then passed me on the right shoulder while flipping me off.
How's my Driving? New Hampshire – 103698California – 6Z09695
I had to merge into a turning lane – and this car tried to rush and get ahead of me. Then they tailgated me aggressively until he was able to pass me (he aggressively cut others off to do this). I had no intention of “cutting him off”. I just needed to get into the turning lane and he was far behind me. Rage driver!!
How's my Driving? California – 6Z09695California – LHTHOUS
Was driving through Pasadena and got to the stop sign first. The Escaladethen arrives and drives when it is my turn which resulted to me honking. After honking, the Escalade brake checks multiple times and begins driving aggressively in front. As we drive the same destination, the Escalade intentionally and blocks potential turning lanes to make sure I cannot make it to my destination. The Escalade then drives in the middle of two lanes to provoke me and everyone in my car. Upon passing them, him and his ugly girlfriend wave goodbye. It’s one thing to react the way he did, it’s another to react when he’s obviously in the wrong. Should probably not drive a car that big with a temper that unpredictable.
How's my Driving? California – LHTHOUSMissouri – 3SEY22
Driver is extremely aggressive and aggravated following cammer for over 10 miles from the first incident on the same day. He then tries to block cammer in for a confrontation in a residential apartment block. Cammer escapes by reversing and then driving away. Police report filed.
How's my Driving? Missouri – 3SEY22California – 55532DV
I was in the left lane headed northbound on Sunrise at Racquet Club. This guy in the big Lexus sedan comes up behind me. As I was accelerating to the posted speed limit of 45 mph, he decided to tailgate me. Then as I made a lane change into the left turning lane, the guy in the big Lexus almost rear-ended me. As he sped past me, he honked at me! So I honked back at him.
Crazy mofo needs to be off the roads and back in his home. He is probably close to death, and he seems to want to take everyone with him. When he rear-ends someone, he will be at fault. Insurance companies settle rear-end accidents quickly because of so many lawsuits for whiplash. Grandpa, go home.
How's my Driving? California – 55532DVNew York – KNE5622
Lunatic that was tailgating me, and then threw a water bottle at my car
How's my Driving? New York – KNE5622