North Carolina – jdf9008

driver is a white middle aged man who tailgated for about 5 mins while i was going 70 in a 65. continued tailgating even though there was plenty of room to pass. he then decided to get as close as possible on my left side as i tried to exit right, and (with no signal ofc) cut between me and the cement truck in front of us. i laid in the horn while he flipped my off. (for not going fast enough? not sure) he proceeded to try to get in front of me and break check me multiple times. at ome piont i had to go 95 to put some distance between us. i was in the wendover exit lane and at this point it was obvious he was just trying to make me as mad as he was so he did the same exact thing again. waited until i was about 10ft away from the car in infront of me in the exit then cut between us. i honked again bc i was mad. i started recording him in front of me and he took a u turn on wendover so i guess that’s what deterred him. weirdo.

How's my Texting? North Carolina – jdf9008

Florida – AY76RK

I was driving and this crazy lady thinks just because she has her turn signal on she can turn so I had to quickly move over and she almost rear ends me and causes a big accident and almost makes me hit a family of 3 that were walking by but I quickly swerved out the way and she was on her phone which makes me so angry because her being on her phone not paying attention almost caused a huge accident I’m more upset that that family almost got hit more than I am that my car could of been totaled this woman needs her license took away because clearly she’s not ready for a car, a car is a weapon and she doesn’t realize that I hate drivers who can’t go a couple minutes without there phones

How's my Texting? Florida – AY76RK

Virginia – ULD2425

Black middle aged female, cheetah print steering wheel cover. I was in the left lane she cut me off to go around another vehicle I blew my horn to let her know I was there so she wouldn’t clip my front end and which time she flipped me off, then proceeded to tailgate the driver in front of her while periodically slowing down enough hitting her brakes for me to have to apply brakes. Thankfully I wasn’t close enough to have to slam on them. After the weigh station at the Wilroy Rd. Left turn traffic was backed up into the left lane she slowed down really fast to where she was directly in front of me there was a tractor and trailer behind me and 2 pickup trucks to my right so I tried to ease off her slowly as not to affect anyone else’s driving and all of a sudden she cut off the first pickup truck to our right and there were stopped cars in my lane I had to jerk the wheel to the right and slam on my brakes thank God the trucks to my right were already swerved onto the shoulder to avoid her erratic lane change or they would have hit me and my children. After regaining the flow of traffic I ended up beside her again at which point she laughed pointed and flipped her middle finger to me again before speeding away and ducking in and out of traffic like I was going to try to follow her. I tried to get my phone to call the police but my children were crying and I was visibly still shaking so I waited until I got home to completely focus on the rest of our trip. The picture I took is of her speeding away after laughing at the end.

How's my Texting? Virginia – ULD2425

California-7V JN88

I was exiting a parking lot onto a busy road. This silver Toyota Camry started driving the wrong direction in the parking lot. Just about hit a car that was turning into the parking lot head on, then proceeded to continue to drive on the wrong side of the road and cuts me off and just about hit me. Then proceeded to the just stop in the middle of the road. Front bumper is already damaged, probably involved in a hit and run either.

How's my Texting? California-7V JN88

California – 6WUP815

Speed limit on E Francis Dr is 25 mph. I had my cruise set to 28 mph. This guy came speeding up behind me. Then he tailgated me. Then he illegally passed me in the middle of the intersection of E Francis Dr and N Hermosa Dr. Crazy old man needs to get off the road before he hurts or kills someone.

How's my Texting? California – 6WUP815